sgzli54 employee managment system By sgzli54

UML model

Read the following passage carefully. An employee has a name, address, phone number, date of birth and job title. Employees can be appointed and can leave, and are either monthly paid employees or weekly paid employees. Monthly paid employees have a bank sort code, bank account number and number of holidays while weekly paid employees are paid in cash on a specified day of the week - their payday. Weekly paid employees may apply to be promoted to a monthly paid employee. Monthly paid employees can take a holiday if they have sufficient number of holidays remaining. All employees are entitled to use the Sports Centre if they register to do so. The Sports Centre is made up of two gyms (with a maximum capacity), three tennis courts and a bar. The bar can be booked for special events, and has three rates of hire - a working hours' rate, an evening rate and a weekend rate. The Sports Centre holds a list of employees who have registered. An employee's age can be calculated from their date of birth, in order to prevent under-age drinking at the bar. You are required to draw a UML class diagram for the above system. All the key words you need to include are underlined – do not invent any details additional to those given above: 1.Illustrate the various classes that exist, with their attributes and operations (including any derived ones, represented in the usual way) 2.Mark on the relationships that exist between the classes using the standard UML symbols to represent the type of each relationship 3.Add multiplicities 4.for any relationships of association: a. mark on the navigability b. appropriately name the two roles

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1 diagrams